Filter Coffee

July 31, 2011

Filter Coffee

Filter coffee

Filter coffee is a popular beverage in South India.  The coffee powder that i use is the House blend or Arabian Mocha from PEETS coffee store. We grind it there and buy kind of a pound. The taste and aroma will be just awesome. I basically had the handy filter from India where i just add the coffee powder in the top and pour some hot water to it and it slowly extracts the coffee and drips down to the other cup in the bottom. That is how it is designed so easy and simple to make. The very first time when you use the coffee just after the store the aroma will just go all around the house. So aromatic flavor. So when you store the coffee powder should keep it in a container where it will lock the aroma inside. So every time you make coffee you will have the flavor fresh.

In India they used to have coffee very first thing in the morning, then in the evening. At times they used to drink even after a very heavy meal. In restaurants they give coffee for every meal. So it is that often drank and also very good in taste.  Now a days they go with instant coffee too, which is also good but you will miss the taste of Filter coffee. I am a big fan of filter coffee but because of time crunch i also at times make instant coffee. It is better to stick with either one, keep changing often will not be okay for your body. And when you grind the coffee the chicory how much you add is also adding taste to the Coffee. So this is all about it, lets now see how to make it!!!

Ingredients :

Coffee powder - 5 tbsp

Water - 1 cup

Milk - 1 cup

Sugar - 1 tbsp

Preparation :

  • In the Filter add coffee powder. (If you want to use a electric coffee maker, better buy the one which makes the Espresso one, so you can get as good Decoction as this Filter makes.)
  • Then in a pan boil some hot water.
  • When the water is hot enough you can add it to the coffee filter till it reaches the top.
  • Then you can hear the drops which is dripping from the top to the bottom cup. 
  • So in a while you can see decoction collected in the bottom cup.
  • Now it is ready to have a nice cooffee.
  • Now in  a pan, add milk let it boil, then transfer to a cup and add decoction how much dark you want. 
  • Add sugar, give it a mix and tada your Filter coffee is ready!!


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